Post By - Bernie Prinzen
Report for 2022
Bernie Prinzen
DayStar Director
A short report…..!” Wow. To highlight the days past is a daunting task. We so much appreciate your walking together with us in the ministry of DayStar that God has called us to and placed us in.
As “Director”, I am still and always will be in that enviable place of “learning” – constantly looking for those ways and means of seeing “success” in the lives of the native communities we are seeking to reach for Jesus’ sake. Even as I write, the faces of so many come to my mind – faces of those God has given us the privilege of bringing closer to the transforming power of the Gospel!
With the days of “COVID” moving farther into the past – we are moving forward.
In Wiky
Our “programming” structure has changed dramatically from a “day-by-day” basis. We have begun a children’s program on Monday afternoons for kids from the Junior School (grades 1-4). We are seeing some success in attendance, but it is rebuilding after 2 years of absence.
Our primary focus is the Ladies’ Bible Study on Tuesday mornings. Elizabeth Prinzen has been leading the study, walking through the entire book of Genesis over the past 2 years and now walking through the book of Exodus. Attendance varies from week to week (5 -15), but those who attend are learning and “seeing Jesus” each week.
Men’s soup on Wednesday noon sees anywhere from 20 to 40 men come for several bowls of soup – not from a can – and some oven scone. It is a great place of “community” for the men to share their day with one another and simply relax in a safe place. It’s the opportunity to engage in those quiet conversations from the heart and have those “Jesus’ conversations” that would be otherwise missed. It is the place where “believing men” can interact and share their stories and journey with Jesus with their fellow community members. Just meeting in the “café at DayStar” allows those conversations to happen.
Men’s Breakfast every other Saturday – always a “hungry man’s breakfast” with no left overs! Anywhere from 35 to 50 men come together for conversation, food, lots of coffee and tea and a “time in the Word” as we share Truth and present Jesus again.
Alpha is beginning on Tuesday evenings – directed primarily through the Wiky Fellowship. What an awesome time of bringing those who we are having deeper conversations with, and laying before them the claims of the Gospel and the call to follow Jesus. It is a joy to see the unity of the believers, the desire to share the opportunity and the openness of many to respond and come.
In M’Chigeeng and AOK
Anthony and Barbara Pennings, along with Sheldon Migwans, are seeing their days filled with personal conversations. Barbara is connected to Lakeview School and interacts with students and teachers there in working with the Jordan’s Principles program. Anthony finds himself in “school” working as a trades’ teacher where he has the opportunity to personally connect with numbers of young men and women – sharing the love of Jesus in personal conversation. Sheldon moves through the community with MANY personal conversations through meetings, phone calls, Facebook discussions, taxi rides, and a host of other connections. They are all looking for the “next step” in seeing a place where the community can gather to provide opportunities for sharing the Gospel.
In Thessalon
Lue is often “overwhelmed” with the demands of not just the community of Thessalon, but her involvement in the “north shore” communities of Sault St. Marie, Garden River, Mississaugi, Serpent River, and Sagamok. She is also heavily connected with the girl’s hockey league in a coaching position – many of the girls she has known and walked with for years. She has been heavily involved over the summer months with the youth softball league sponsored by the north shore communities – giving her the opportunity to “shine Jesus” to those who are in leadership and those team members she is directly connected with. She is also strongly connected with the Weagamow community – a fly in community at Round Lake far north of Thunder Bay. Many phone/video conversations and a yearly visit usually around New Years keeps her in contact with many who Jesus has given her to love and disciple.
The summer
Wow. Where do we start. The team of Ladies from Stouffville!!!! The group for Doxa Toronto in Serpent River – amazing. The team that drove all the way from Wheaton Illinois to spend a week at Birch Island! Brett Fliesser and the group from London that spent 3 weeks in the community of AOK doing programming with the community for 1 week and then building relationships and spending time together! The 3 young adults that travel all the way from Detroit for some days with the community of Shawanaga! The team from Parkdale in Belleville doing 2 “outdoor” under tents backyard clubs in Sagamok – a very different journey that previous years but “God blessed”. Craig and Lynn Tucker from Detroit spending 2 weekends in Wiky with specific individuals to encourage and challenge. Our “youth campout” at the DayStar house with 2 interns from past summers – 13 youth from Wiky spending time together focusing on the “Hope” that we have as and anchor in Jesus.
Great to see about ½ of the “summer teams” connecting with their communities again after such a long time away. Just to see the joyful faces, the squeals of excitement, the huge hugs, and the open hearts of parents and caregivers and children – continuing the “redemptive relationships” that have developed over the years. July was a busy month of visiting with each of the teams, encouraging them to pursue those relationships not only through the programs but launching intentional moments of connecting over supper, BBQ’s, swimming time together, coffee breaks, etc. – deepening the opportunities to share Jesus and call them to a life of commitment to follow Jesus.
We have revamped our website and have moved into Facebook and Instagram as vehicles for continued connecting with individuals and churches who are partnering with us. We post regularly and would love the opportunity to connect 4 times a week with prayer and ministry opportunities as well as a weekly devotional blog by Craig Tucker. Avail yourself of the opportunity to be involved.
We are in a season of “looking forward” and discerning the next steps and adventures that God has for us as “DayStar”. We are always in need of “staff” who are willing to move cross culturally in a ministry that requires sacrifice but is seeing the hand of God moving as the native community recognizes, understands, and commits to the transforming power of the Gospel. We are called to live our lives among them, to share the message and the “life” of the Gospel.
Thank you for partnering with us. Miigwetch