Daystar Native Outreach
Current Location:
Wikwemikong, Ontario, CanadaMission Agency:
DAYSTAR NATIVE OUTREACHNECESSARY CHANGE OF PLANS With the onset of covid-19, as everywhere else, the world of Canada’s indigenous territories became restricted, then with some lockdowns. DayStar’s headquarters are on the Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory on Manitoulin Island, Ontario. The Chief and Council deemed DayStar an essential service and challenged us to continue serving the community in unusual and creative ways. This was done, and resulted in good ministry and some surprises. The DayStar staff met people they had not known, and relationships deepened with others we’ve been involved with for some time. Our center was locked, therefore we did a major food delivery initiative and our clothing depot served the community by appointments. As folks weren’t going to the city to shop for clothing, DayStar clothed many families throughout the seasons. At Christmas our staff prepared one hundred fifty turkey dinners for delivery. Needless to say, we made many people happy. Small Bible study groups continued to meet under restrictions when able. A hunger was developed for the Word of God with the folks openly interacting as to their experiences, past and present, and how God was becoming real to them. An example is a woman who expressed that she now knows the importance of reading the Word, meditation and prayer. Each night she has a “holy hour” from 7 – 8 pm. Its great to see people like her, leaders on the reserve, come to the knowledge of truth.


Life Group

Prayers Requests
Prayers Requests
A Difficult Season (Jan-14-2021)
Covid itself is a difficult season, however it is as though some sort of plague has come to the Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory here on Manitoulin Island. And that is, we are experiencing a dark time of many deaths. During 2020 it was bad, and now continues to be as already this year the deaths continue. In the last two weeks we've lost another four young adults. Wakes begin today for two, both from the same family. This is Eva's family. Your ladies' team members know her well. Grief is covering the community. I'm kept busy with the wakes, and also in counseling several in the 25 - 47 age group who are walking in hopelessness and pain. Requesting your prayers, Shirley