John & Janice Cross
Current Location:
Olds, Alberta, CanadaMission Agency:
GoodSeed InternationalGoodSeed is an equipping ministry. We provide tools and training to help Bible believers explain the gospel in a way that makes profound sense. Though the tools were originally designed for people who have absolutely no knowledge of the Bible, we have found that whether you have been saved for 3 days or 33 years, the GoodSeed resources can be instrumental in building confidence in the Word of God and boldness in faith. Our key tools are patterned after the message Jesus gave to the disciples on the road to Emmaus. He started at Creation and moved progressively through the Old Testament, laying foundations, so that when he came to the cross and tomb, they clearly understand who Jesus was and what he did on the Cross. All the key GoodSeed tools are built using this creation to the cross architecture. Each tool is worldview sensitive, designed for people from Christianized, Islamic, Eastern or Secular backgrounds. You can give away the tools like a gospel tract or you can sit down and use them to guide a Bible study. The use of visual aids is a big part of our approach to communication. This is all for the purpose of explaining the gospel message clearly. And… that’s what GoodSeed is all about


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